06 May 2003

Here's something that I REALLY, REALLY HATE (even more than drunk people calling me)

Life is full of expectancies, and how you behave is usually determined by your own expectations. This seems reasonable enough: after all, we don't eat rat poison thinking it will give us super-human powers. What I hate is having other people make assumptions about how I am feeling about things based on their typically horrendously underdeveloped notion of who I am. Just because I like something DOES NOT MEAN I will always want to do things that are completely congruent with it. This is not necessarily, and, in all likelihood, not at all the fault of the other person. After all, if you can't make some assumptions about things, you live in a chaotic world. I hate it when it's implied that any deviation on my part from their assumption is totally out of character. How well do these people think they know me?


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