16 May 2003

Less than one day remains before the world comes to an end (or, more likely until the time when I pieced together all the bits of coincidental evidence suggesting such, which really didn't suggest much at all, other than some really weird, surreal stuff was happening). I have come up with a foolproof hypothesis for what will happen at 9:00am CDT tomorrow. It's foolproof because it's completely untestable, and I cannot be proven wrong. The clock will tick to 8:59:59 and as soon as it hits 9:00:00, you will feel absolutely no change. Make no mistake, however, the world will have ended and a new, different world/primary universe will have begun, starting at precisely the point at which the other one ended. I haven't done the math, but trust me, in the infinite realm of possibility, it could happen.

More than one person has asked me if I plan on continuing this weblog beyond the next few days, to which I have responded that I hope so, but I can give no more concrete of an answer. This has been fun for me, in that simply putting what I think into words has a fantastic effect on the psyche. If this page is to be continued, rest assured it will not be updated with great frequency and the content will reflect less deep personal philosophy, even though that philosophy is sometimes my best writing. As for now, I'm off to do something, anything, really, as I am 100% free of responsibility.


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