23 February 2004

I wish my Cake cd weren't in Germany.

Finally, I'm going on record and saying that I really like my new role. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I love my job, and when I say that I'm all right with waking my ass up at 5:30 to be at the Magic Kingdom at 6:45, I hope people take notice. Having said that, here is a list of things to rant about.

#1. Everyday I need to come home to shower off the estrogen that festers in the office and lingers over the facilitators everyday. That's not right.

#2. If I were to talk about a high school senior girl that was attractive, I would be a pervert, but for the female facilitators to make comments about the high school senior boys is perfectly acceptable. That's not right.

#3. When I finish with my program, I need something to do other than "arts and crafts" time. That's really not right.

#4. If we are truly about offering educational programs to the students, I would appreciate more enthusiasm for continuous improvement of our offerings, rather than failing to effect change (trust me, it's effect, not affect) in our material because of politicized and personal sentiment.

#5. On that same note, I would also appreciate knowing that our programs are written by someone who has more than a GED and the ability to fill in the bubble for "some college" on a job application. Ouch, even I think that was mean, but sometimes we need to face the facts, and those facts are DEFINITELY not right.


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