Despite ample opportunity and a great desire to do it, I have failed to keep a consistent update with this weblog. I always feel like I have things I want to say, but by the time I get around to trying to write them, the ideas have flown the proverbial coop and have left me in a state of stupor comparable to that of my first college roommate's general existence.
At this time last year, I was finishing up projects and papers for my communication classes, which was a pain in the ass, for sure, but it was what I was accustomed to doing. All the wondering about what life would be like after college (read: wondering what it would be like to have a full-time job and not have to take my work home with me) has now materialized into wishing I had something to do outside of work that was productive. Playstation, TV, movies, and general nothingness simply do not cut it. Very possibly, I all those vices would be more enjoyable if I didn't dislike my job so much. The only way to find out for sure would be to like my job, which I don't really expect to happen in the near future. My god, I need a statistics course or to get laid.
I'm going to come right to the point. I'm not content with my life at this juncture. I feel very lucky to be physically healthy--lord knows that everyday at Guest Relations is a lesson in counting one's blessings. I talk to my family on a semi-regular basis, and I'm looking forward to seeing the family when I return home for my sister's wedding. With the exception of the lack of joy in my job, one would think that things are going swimmingly, but something is missing. Perhaps more than a singular "something" is missing, but thinking about that is depressing and I don't feel like thinking about it anymore.
I'll close with this bit of personal preference: Girls in sweaters are sexier than girls in bikini tops.